Our Curriculum Offer
We have a fully inclusive curriculum which allows all learners to achieve and feel success. We cover a broad range of subjects that enhance the skills, knowledge and understanding of our young people. We have a particular focus on learners’ understanding of the world around them, so that they can implement what they learn into everyday life.
We strongly believe that all students are capable of gaining qualifications that allow them to move on to the next stage of life with an element of choice in what they do next. This prepares learners to leave the nurturing environment of TLC and live, work and play, in the wider world.
We believe that our curriculum enables students to:
have the essential functional skills of Maths, English and Science.
have enquiring minds and think for themselves.
integrate into society and interact with the people around them in a meaningful way.
build a sense of self-worth and self-confidence and develop a positive self-image.
form positive relationships with their peers
Our curriculum provides a rich and broad education that is coherently planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills are built on.
Through this varied and differentiated curriculum we aim to improve learner motivation, self-confidence, attendance and engagement, whilst equipping young people with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
At TLC, we teach young people in small classes of between 5 and 10 learners to ensure the personalised needs of each young person are met.
The core subjects of mathematics, English and computing are supplemented by a range of vocational and other academic subjects, to enable the delivery of a broad, rich curriculum. Additional subjects taught include:
- Social Skills
- Sociology
- Humanities
- Art and Citizenship
- Hair and Beauty
- Health and Fitness
- Employability and Careers
Reading Scheme
At our school, we use Lexia Literacy Software to support learners’ reading.
Lexia’s personalised literacy software for schools is designed to provide teachers with effective and scalable solutions which are simple to use.
Lexia supports learners of all ages and abilities in literacy skills development, and has been proven to be effective in over 20 externally reviewed research studies – including an efficacy study by the Education Endowment Foundation.
Vocational Pathways and Work Experience
Key Stage 3 and 4 learners undertake Careers and Citizenship studies to help them with their Personal Development. At Key Stage 3 and 4 ASDAN short course qualifications are embedded within the curriculum, these courses develop skills across a range of topics and curriculum areas. The skills, knowledge and understanding gained during these courses help learners prepare for work. They are offered on an options basis so learners have the freedom and integrity to make their own choices around subjects that interest them.
All learners will study the LiFE, Lessons in Financial Education, course run by the London Institute of Banking and Finance. This online based study course teaches learners about the importance of managing money. Learners work online at their own pace and can gain topic based certificates all the way to a Level 2 qualification.
These additional curriculum choices and qualifications aim to give learners a solid base to further develop their individual skills and interests. ASDAN short course offers include:
- Animal Care Short Course
- Environmental Short Course
- Expressive Arts Short Course
- FoodWise Short Course
- Gardening Short Course
- Living Independently Short Course
- RoadWise Short Course
- Sport’s Leadership
- Careers and Experiencing Work Short Course
- Enterprise Short Course
- Leadership Short Course
- Volunteering Short Course
Outreach Programme
At TLC we have a strong relationship with The Young Lewisham Project, a charity that helps young learners. In Key Stage 4, learners can attend day release placements. The Young Lewisham Project also come into TLC to work with KS3 students and this forms part of their timetabled curriculum. They offer the following programmes of study:
- Bike and Car Mechanics
- Expressive Arts
- Gardening and Horticulture
- DJ and Music Technology
Our Work Experience Programme is developing, and we currently offer internal work experience where learners work in the school office and undertake other roles and work-shadowing around the school to build up their confidence. We are working with organisations and businesses in the local community to develop supported work experience initiatives and experiences for our Learners in years 10-12.