SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) at TLC The Learning Centre

At TLC The Learning Centre, our ethos is based upon full inclusion, high expectations, exceptional teaching and learning, nurture, and a relentless focus on the needs and potential of every child. We believe it is our duty to provide equal opportunities for every young person in our care in a safe and fully equipped learning environment, which caters to the needs of every student as an individual.

Our vision is to create a school which values inclusivity and provides exceptional educational and personal development opportunities for our learners. This encourages individual qualities and enables our learners to gain self-worth, become independent, acquire cultural capital and ultimately take a meaningful and fulfilling place in society.

At TLC The Learning Centre, all of our learners have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We are a mixed SEN profile school and as such provide for the 4 main categories of Special Educational Needs as noted in the SEN Code of Practice 2022; Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Mental and Emotional Health Difficulties and Sensory and/or Physical Needs.

We have a team of 10 Learning Support Assistants who work alongside the teaching staff at TLC and are assigned to key groups of learners and offer support in lessons. Our team also run small group interventions to ensure the EHCP provisions of the learner are met. We offer on-site support from Speech and Language Therapists, Counsellors, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists and Specialist SEN teachers.

We follow the work of Trauma Informed experts and offer a ‘Team around the child’ approach which sees learners having access to a couple of key trusted adults to maximize their chance of feeling safe and nurtured at school. This is further enhanced by the PROACT-SCIPr-UK® approach which we have adopted to develop our intervention, prevention and crisis strategies.

We have robust systems in place to ensure learners, parents/carers and outside agencies are all involved in the process of educating our students during their time here at TLC. We have a specific approach to ‘Quality First Teaching’ and adapt our curriculum to ensure the bespoke needs of our learners are being met, whilst having secure review and evaluation structures in place. Further information about this and Bromley’s Local Offer, can be found in our SEN Information Report.

Our SENDCo leads on, and completes the necessary paperwork for the annual review cycle for EHCP’s and learners are involved in the Annual SEND Review meeting so they can provide feedback on their education and progress. Regular contact and discussions take place between home and school, and learner check-ins take place on a daily basis.

SEND Newsletters

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Bromley SENDMatters - May 2023

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Bromley SENDMatters - January/February 2022

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Bromley SENDMatters - October 2022